Undergrad Courses Follow-up Excel for Students
Here is an Excel dashboard/notebook work for a student in an imaginary undergrad program. You are free to access and use this work with this google sheets link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1G_LBEoik0qchROMJX5edH9pgVZ5-GsHr/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=111883014232089629527&rtpof=true&sd=true
In this work, 8 semesters-long of the hypothetical curriculum is sorted. Students can easily see and follow what they need to take as compulsory. When successful letter grades are typed in the necessary column, the cell turns pastel green. Empty cells are blank and FF grades are pinkish-red.
In the latter grade column, only the letter grade values are accepted and you can choose from the drop-down menu for each cell. All the other cells, except the name cell, are protected so nothing can be changed. However, there is no password so if any change is wanted, protection can be lifted.
From the 5th semester, there are cells dedicated to elective courses. Again, you can choose elective courses from the drop-down menu for each of these cells. After selecting the elective course, ECTS points (European Credit Transfer System) for that course appear on the table. So the credits for an elective can be seen immediately.
On the right side of the table, there are GPA-score, total credits completed and credits left for graduation calculated. With this automatic calculation, students can be aware of their GPA, and foresee what their grades must be for their targeted average.
Orange bars on these cells indicate the progress of the program overall. For instance, 240 ECTS on the completed ECTS points part will be loaded fully.
This can be used as a somewhat automated notebook for students who wish to track their program efficiently. Feel free to take and adapt to your curriculum and use it!